First Lutheran Church
Gladstone, Michigan

1212 Minneapolis Ave.
Gladstone, MI-49837
Phone: 906-428-4565
Discipleship includes lots of things – Worship, prayer, youth ministry, just to name a few. But there’s even more!
Education is part of life – when we are growing and living, we are learning!
First Lutheran Church offers a variety of educational opportunities, from Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and Confirmation for children and youth, to adult Bible study, Women’s groups, Men’s groups, and other opportunities for adults.
For information on times and meeting places, contact the church office.

Wednesday Morning Adult Bible Study
Lifelong Faith Formation
The Northern Great Lakes Synod offers a diverse series of online classes for adults who want to increase their knowledge and understanding of the Bible, church history, Lutheran Theology, contemporary Christian issues, and more. Launched in 2020, Lifelong Faith Formation, evolved from the synod’s Lay School for Mission.
The Faith Formations Website: