First Lutheran Church
Gladstone, Michigan

1212 Minneapolis Ave.
Gladstone, MI-49837
Phone: 906-428-4565
The ministry and mission of First Lutheran Church focuses on the cross of Jesus Christ, on his death and resurrection, and the new life that we have through the gift of Jesus. Outside of Jesus Christ we have no hope, no future, no life.
First Lutheran takes seriously the call of Jesus in Luke 24:
“Thus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.”
Mission Support – First Lutheran is a leader in mission support in the Northern Great Lakes Synod. Through our mission support we empower missionaries, new mission starts, seminaries, colleges, and many other ministries in their work.
Bible Camp – Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp is our camp! A “place of grace,” Fortune Lake touches many lives, and we are excited to be a part of Fortune Lake’s work through our support of their ministry. Website:
First also commits a portion of its income each month to support the ministry of Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp. Fortune Lake provides a variety of educational and recreational opportunities in the context of Christian community. A place of rest and renewal, Fortune Lake is located in Crystal Falls, Michigan.
Hunger relief – A big part of our outreach is our support of hunger relieve in the local community and throughout the world. First Lutheran is consistenly the top supporter of the ELCA World Hunger Appeal in the Northern Great Lakes Synod, and supports local food pantries at the Salvation Army, St. Vincent DePaul, and Faith Lutheran Church (Rock) as well. Through regular gifts, special events, and other opportunities the members of First Lutheran “dig deeply” so others may live!

“Quilt Display Sunday”, quilts made by our sewing and quilting group to be shipped to those in need.
Mission Endowment Fund – Through the Mission Endowment Fund First has ensured that all bequests and half of memorial gifts received by the congregation will serve mission and ministry beyond the congregation. Since 1999 over $100,000 has been distributed in the community and beyond to serve the needs of youth and families, to meet social needs, to assist in education, and to proclaim God’s love in Jesus Christ. Applications requests for Mission Endowment funds are available in the church office. The deadline for applications each year is Sept. 30.
LWR/ELCA Good Gifts – The Sunday School works throughout the year to raise money to put toward orders for both the Lutheran World Relief and ELCA Good Gifts. With the money they raise, gifts of farms animals, water purification, fruit trees, etc., are purchased. These items are sent by LWR and ELCA Good Gifts to areas of the world where there is a need for them.
With our partnerships…
First Lutheran Church recognizes the great value of partnering with other Christians to proclaim the gospel with even greater effectiveness. Our benevolence dollars to the Northern Great Lakes Synod allow us to support campground ministries, youth ministries, campus ministries, colleges, and seminaries, and congregations in need of resources throughout the Upper Peninsula and Northeast Wisconsin. Most of the benevolence sent to the synod is forwarded to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Through the ELCA we join in supporting over 240 missionaries, 26 colleges, 7 seminaries, developing and redeveloping congregations around the country, outreach in urban and rural America, the development of new learning and worship resources, and a multitude of other ministries.
Lots of mission and ministry – lots of gifts of God’s grace – lots of joy in sharing and serving!