First Lutheran Church
Gladstone, Michigan

1212 Minneapolis Ave.
Gladstone, MI-49837
Phone: 906-428-4565
Links to other expressions of our church:
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) has over 2.9 million members in over 8,640 congregations spread throughout the country as reported in 2022. The ELCA is divided into 65 synods with rostered leaders as Ministers of Word and Service (deacons) and Ministers of Word and Sacrament (pastors). In addition, 240 missionaries in more than 40 countries around the world, an ELCA presence on over 180 state and private college campuses, and hundreds of chaplains are partners in the ministry of the ELCA. The ELCA operates seven seminaries and has 26 colleges and universities affiliated with it. Bishop Elizabeth Eaton guides the ELCA in its mission and ministry. First Lutheran has been a member of the ELCA since its inception in 1987.
The Northern Great Lakes Synod, a synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, consists of 27,500 Lutherans in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and Northeast Wisconsin. With congregations stretching from Sault Ste Marie to Ironwood, from Mohawk to Peshtigo (and lots of point in between), we seek to work together in the mission of the gospel of Jesus Christ in this part of God’s creation. Bishop Katherine Finegan is the Bishop of our synod. Bishop Emeritus Dale Skogman was a member of First Lutheran.
Links to some of our partners in ministry:
Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp is our church camp in Crystal Falls, offering programs for young and old alike. 2024 Registration is now open.
Lutheran World Relief is the agency through which much relief work is channeled throughout the world. Their web site is a great source for information on hunger and other crises around the globe.
The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC) is one of ELCA seminaries. Dan Durbin, a son of First Lutheran, is an alum. LSTC is also Pastor Elisabeth Daniels alma matter.
Wartburg Seminary (Dubuque, IA) is another ELCA seminary. Alumni from First Lutheran include Tera Kossow, Diane Surtowski, Terry Frankenstein, Amanda Kossow and Jean Schmidt. Wartburg has a great youth ministry program, and lots of online courses available to anyone, as well as their regular residential degree programs.
For information on any of the 27 colleges and universities affiliated with the ELCA, click here.
Former members Pat Ziems, Jean Schmidt, Amanda Kossow, and Ben Durbin, Diane Surtowski, Terry Frankenstein, Tera Kossow are now ordained clergy in the ELCA.
1517 Media (Augsburg Fortress), our church publishing house provides an online store for quality Bibles, Christian books, study material, and other items.
Prayfaithfully is the Northern Great Lakes Synod’s prayer ministry site. An abundance of prayer resources, devotions, information, and the opportunity to submit prayer requests to the synod prayer team.
Links for health and healing;
American Cancer Society has lots of information on cancer, treatments, support, and resources for cancer survivors.
American Heart Association resources on heart diseases including strokes, as well as how to live a “heart-healthier” life.
American Red Cross has lots of tips on health and safety, as well as opportunities to donate and be a part of assisting those in need.
Health World Online is a resource center that addresses the mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and physical dimensions of health and illness. Their philosophy encourages the individual to become the central player in managing one’s health and to work in partnership with your health professionals. Contains many links to a variety of sites specific to health and/or spirituality.
Lifelines – Preventive health screenings help people understand their risk for developing chronic conditions before symptoms are present, while they can still take action. The non-invasive screenings provided by Life Line Screening identify risk factors that can lead to cardiovascular disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease, osteoporosis, and other serious illnesses.
Behavioral Health Awareness and Resources
Those who live with mental health conditions often are at a loss of where to start looking at resources. For young people, higher education may seem out of the picture. Check out this resource from as a “College Guide for Students with Mental Health Disorders“. There are wonderful options for anyone! Check out the Apps section if you have been looking for a way to be connected and a Google search is too overwhelming.
Other quality Lutheran and Christian links:
Old Lutheran takes a humorous look at Lutherans, our heritage, and our foibles. We do have a sense of humor, and we don’t mind laughing at ourselves!
Crossways provides resources for study with a special emphasis on the Bible.
Crosswalk explores the intersection of faith and life. A variety of topics (as broad as life itself) are included with reflections on how our faith helps us live in today’s world.
Better Impact is our volunteer software. Use this file(How-to Sheet) for step-by-step instructions to access your account once you received an email.