First Lutheran Church
Gladstone, Michigan

1212 Minneapolis Ave.
Gladstone, MI-49837
Phone: 906-428-4565
Youth & Family
Youth ministry at First Lutheran means lots – lots of youth, lots of ministry, lots of gospel!
Youth ministry means ministry TO youth, ministry WITH youth, and ministry BY youth.
Youth Ministry begins with young children and reaches up to college age youth, with everyone in between! What kinds of ministries are a part of Youth ministry?
• Sunday School…
• Vacation Bible School…
• Confirmation programming…
• summer outings to Fortune Lake Camp…
• opportunities for young people to serve as Sunday School and Vacation Bible School staff…
• participation in worship as readers, musicians, acolytes, and more…
• serving in leadership in the congregation including the Congregation Council…
• and lots more!
Youth ministry also happens all over the place in the daily life of the congregation. In both large and small ways First Lutheran seeks to build up the assets of young people so that they may reach the full potential that God has given to them, and do so in healthy and spirit-filled way.
“Family Ministry” means many things at First Lutheran. Some ministries are geared for families, to help members of the family grow in their faith and meet the needs of a fast paced world. Young or old, family members have challenges to face, but also gifts to share.
Other ministries seek to meet the needs of a larger “family” – the family of the people of God! Whether you are single, divorced, widowed, or a member of a traditional family unit, the body of Christ is for you – and we welcome you to join us as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Some of our “family” ministries include:
Ministries to young families – along with youth ministries we also seek to assist young families as they strive to raise children in an ever challenging world. Workshops, fellowship events, and intergenerational events are all a part of this important ministry emphasis.
Regularly Scheduled Fellowship Activities for young and old alike – intergenerational opportunities for fun, sharing, and nurture. Watch the News page and newsflash on the main page for times and details.